To be more specific, school got in the way. I was taking Business Law I at UMUC and, while it was totally absorbing to me, it also absorbed nearly all my time. That, plus my piano lessons.
Now, here it is August, and I'm finally crawling out of my rock to commit anew to maintaining and publishing a daily blog. I'm pretty sure what will happen. In September, when I start my Human Factors in Information Systems class, I'll probably forget all about daily blogging. That subject is also very interesting to me, so we'll see how it goes.
By the way, I am now 35 credits away from graduation. I think that's why I'm suddenly making such a push to finish up. I would like to be the first in my generation of my family to get a college degree. I'm sure my niece will beat me to the punch, but that's OK.
Back to blogging. I figure that something interesting must be happening to me every day; I just have to figure out the story of each day. Yesterday, two main things happened:
- Now that I've joined Flickr, my interest in taking pictures has moved to the front of the stack. My old camera is really slow, so DH regifted me with a digital camera I got him for his birthday a while back. He never used it. It's a little quicker than my old one and has lots of new features. So now, I'm snapping pictures of everything.
- We had a wonderful dinner last night at Cafe Deluxe in Bethesda. We ordered what we usually do, but for some reason, it just tasted better last night.
Here's an updated picture of me:

YAY! That Human Factors course does sound interesting. I'll have to take it vicariously through you -- and your blog entries, of course!
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